Thursday, April 1, 2010

Connectivism and a Mind Map

Constructive Connectivism

Before 1998, I patiently gathered knowledge from the efforts of a few dedicated teachers who led me through a maze of information on a subject which had been published in various books. Then, I was more subject to the influence and slant of individual instructors and/or an institution. Sometimes it was a good thing to be thus influenced and sometimes it was not. Now, in 2010, methods of learning have multiplied. Sure, I still read physical books. But now, most of my reading is done online. I have been introduced to sources of information which were formerly not available. Today, we can access information on almost any topic through online libraries, Google scholar, social networking sites such as Youtube, blogs, wikis, craft organizations, Skype, and podcasts. As a result of the internet information explosion, learners can easily transform themselves into knowledgeable players in almost any type of endeavor. Just as Gutenberg's printing press began to change the world for the underprivileged and undereducated in the mid 1400's, the personal computer and internet connection is likely to free us from the tyranny of those who presume themselves to be the gatekeepers of knowledge in our day.

Are teachers still needed? Of course, we are. Who else will lead others into understanding how to locate credible sources, assess their usefulness, and apply them as solutions to daily problems? Who else will model how to become legitimate voices in online communities of practice? The best instructors always guide others into becoming self-directed learners capable of demonstrating social responsibility. Teachers should teach others how to “become themselves” via these newer means of information gathering while emphasizing questions such as, “What’s the point of all of this technological power?” We will be happy when our students come to understand that the point is to derive some sort of personal meaning for our existence, to make some sort of positive contribution to the world, to help those less fortunate, and to assist others along the way to a more productive and satisfying life for which the regrets are few. In the concept map link below, I’ve attempted to demonstrate the various sources of information which I am currently connected to and influenced by and, which in turn, are influenced by me. I believe it to be the essence of the more recent “connectivism” model of learning.

View my mind map at:

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